It is a decoupage glass vase. I love the selection of my papers for this vase, reminds of a Victorian Era! This piece hasn't been finished yet, because it still needs to be sealed with Modge Podge. But, I couldn't wait to give my fans and customers a sneak peek of what's to come in 2011!
Next, for the spring line up I will be offering in the store a wide variety of colors of the ribbon flowers. Small and Medium one's will be available in the store and at the Spring Show. These are wonderful for cards, pages, or to make hair bows yourself! Here's a preview of some!
I will also be offering soon Ribbon Flower Hair Bows as well. Still waiting on those supplies to come in from Thailand. This is just a few of the new items to hit the store and the shows in 2011! I can't wait to see what I get inspired to do next!
Have a safe, prosperous, and happy New Year everyone!