What's up with all these new items being listed in the store's? I am in the process of tripling inventory for the Christmas Show (Dates to be released later). So, I'd thought I would introduce you to these new designs.
Newborn Kufi Hats are $10.00. The Ribbon Flower's are placed on either the front left side or the top of the hat. The colors I have are white, pink, red, navy blue, cream, and Royal Blue. Not all of them have been posted up in the store yet.

Jewelry-$5.00 Mainly glass bead earrings and bracelets.

New Styles and Colors of the RF Crochet Headbands-$6.00

RF Snap Clips-$4.00

RF Tote Bags-These little beauties are 6x7 in. $6.00

There are also RF Magnets as well. Which I will placing in groups to sell in the store's. They will be split up to sell single for the shows. I will do another blog on them later on, once I get more made.
There are over 500 new items. I will be adding new Ribbon Flower Hair Clips and RF Brooches and Hair clips as well.