Well, it's also been a year since I have updated everyone on my son Nathaniel Maximus, (Max for short)
When my son was 2 we started the long journey of getting the help that he needed to cope with his special needs. He's such a trooper to stick with it and last December he graduated from Matthew's Center. They taught him visual learning, sign language, how to communicate, and lots of other things.
Through the help of wonderful teachers, a loving family, a Awesome support structure, Max has made it through all the obstacles that has been placed before him. But, first and foremost we thank our Awesome God for blessing and paving a way for his path through everything. Max's gift is not burdensome, but it is a blessing to be treasured everyday.
So, I'd like to make everyone aware of Autism and I always recommend reading "The Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew."
Well, I must say while getting kicked out of the DMV, getting the cops called by the neighbors, because Max's teachers needed a place to park, the stares, the comments are not the highlights of having a child with Autism. Realizing that your child can cope in a world independently with the the right training and lots of time
is what makes all those bad things worth while.
So, I'd like to say that next time your out and you see a Mother struggling with her child or Children, don't make comments and sit and stare, but look at the bigger picture. Children with Autism they just want acceptance and love. To be able to live in the world independently.
So, to Max and all your friends! Happy Autism Awareness Month! Please remember that tonight is Light it up Blue! Let's all light it up blue for the loved one's in our lives in honor of Autism Awareness!